Welcome to the
SOHO Spain Congress 2025
A Society of Hematologic Oncology Regional/Satellite Meeting
SOHO is a global society designed specifically for clinicians, research scientists and related health care professionals who specialize in the research and treatment of patients with hematologic malignancies. SOHO’s mission is to expedite worldwide research and education through the exchange of scientific information.
The Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO) was established as a non-profit corporation in 2012 with aims to promote worldwide research, education, prevention, clinical studies, and optimal pa- tient care in all aspects of hematologic malignancies and related disorders. Since that time, nearly 9,500 members from 110 countries have joined the society from around the globe. To become a SOHO member, go to www.soho.click/join and access the resources available exclusively to members. SOHO membership is free-of-charge. If you have any questions, you can contact SOHO membership at admin@isoho.org.
Scientific Committee
Honorary President
Dr. Hagop Kantarjian
Dra. María Victoria Mateos

Dr. Guillermo García-Manero
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA

Dr. Adolfo de la Fuente Burguera
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid - Hospiten, Spain
Spanish Scientific committee
- Dra. Ana Sureda
- Dr. Carlos Fernández de Larrea
- Dr. Carlos Panizo
- Dr. Fernando Martín Moro
- Dr. Francesc Bosch
- Dra. María Díaz Campelo
- Dr. Pau Montesinos
- Dr. Ramón García-Sanz
- Dr. Valentín García Gutiérrez
International Scientific committee
- Dr. Alessandro Isidori
- Dr. Claudio Cerchione
- Dr. Elías Jabbour
- Dr. Naval Daver
Bases para la adjudicación de becas para el congreso Internacional Soho Spain 2025
Con motivo de la celebración del Congreso Internacional SOHO Spain 2025 que será celebrado, en la ciudad de Madrid, los días 27 y 28 de febrero de 2025 en el Auditorio Rafael del Pino, situado en la calle Rafael Calvo 39A, la Fundación MD Anderson International España (en adelante, La Fundación), procede a realizar la presente convocatoria de becas dirigidas a profesionales sanitarios para la asistencia a dicho evento. SOHO (Sociedad de Oncología Hematológica) es una sociedad mundial concebida específicamente para médicos, investigadores y otros profesionales de la salud especializados en la investigación y el tratamiento de pacientes con neoplasias hematológicas malignas cuya misión no es otra que agilizar la investigación y la educación en todo el mundo mediante el intercambio de información científica. SOHO se estableció como una corporación sin ánimo de lucro en 2012 con el objetivo de promover la investigación, la educación, la prevención, los estudios clínicos y la atención óptima de los pacientes en todo el mundo en todos los aspectos de las neoplasias hematológicas y trastornos relacionados. Desde entonces, alrededor de 9.500 miembros de 110 países de todo el mundo se han unido a la sociedad. Con la finalidad de adjudicar las presentes becas, la Fundación ha decidido crear un Comité Científico, formado por los directores de SOHO 2025:
- Dr. Guillermo García-Manero.
- Dr. Adolfo de la Fuente Burguera.
Dicho Comité Científico tendrá como función decidir quiénes serán los Asistentes adjudicatarios de las becas, actuando para ello de forma independiente y ciñéndose estrictamente a los siguientes criterios de selección:
- Perfil profesional, dándose especial prioridad a jóvenes especialistas.
- Experiencia previa referida en CV en áreas de interés afines al programa.
Los seleccionados deberán:
- Poder demostrar un interés científico en el Evento, o su asistencia suponga un potencial beneficio para sus pacientes.
- Participar en el Evento en calidad de ponentes, o hayan participado en los trabajos científicos que vayan a ser presentados en el Evento; o
- Tener la posibilidad de, una vez finalizado el Evento, compartir los conocimientos adquiridos con una comunidad profesional más amplia debido a su condición de profesores en escuelas universitarias o unidades de postgrado, o por ser integrantes de una red más amplia de profesionales sanitarios. Las becas otorgadas contemplarán los siguientes conceptos:
Gastos de inscripción al Evento.
- Gastos de alojamiento.
- Catering durante las dos jornadas del Evento
- Cena oficial del día 27 de febrero.
Para la recepción de las candidaturas, se abre un plazo del 13 de enero hasta el 14 de febrero, debiendo enviarse copia de CV a la siguiente dirección:
indicando en el asunto SOLICITUD BECA.
Guidelines for the granting of scholarships for the Soho Spain 2025 International Congress
On the occasion of the SOHO Spain 2025 International Congress to be held in Madrid on February 27 and 28, 2025, at the Rafael del Pino Auditorium, located at Calle Rafael Calvo 39A, the MD Anderson International Spain Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “The Foundation”), hereby announces the call for scholarships aimed at healthcare professionals to attend this event.
SOHO (Society of Hematologic Oncology) is a global organization specifically designed for physicians, researchers, and other healthcare professionals specializing in the research and treatment of patients with malignant hematologic neoplasms. Its mission is to accelerate research and education worldwide through the exchange of scientific information.
SOHO was established as a non-profit corporation in 2012 with the objective of promoting research, education, prevention, clinical studies, and optimal patient care globally in all aspects of hematologic neoplasms and related disorders. Since then, nearly 9,500 members from 110 countries have joined the society.
To grant these scholarships, The Foundation has decided to create a Scientific Committee, composed of the directors of SOHO 2025:
- Dr. Guillermo García-Manero.
- Dr. Adolfo de la Fuente Burguera.
This Scientific Committee will be responsible for deciding the scholarship recipients, acting independently and strictly adhering to the following selection criteria:
- Professional profile, with special priority given to young specialists.
- Previous experience as described in the CV in areas related to the program.
Selected candidates must:
- Demonstrate scientific interest in the event, or their attendance must represent a potential benefit for their patients.
- Participate in the event as speakers or have contributed to the scientific work to be presented at the event; or
- Be able, after the event, to share the knowledge acquired with a broader professional community due to their role as professors in university or postgraduate programs, or as members of a wider network of healthcare professionals.
The scholarships will cover the following expenses:
- Registration fees for the event.
- Accommodation expenses.
- Catering during the two days of the event.
- Official dinner on February 27.
Applications must be submitted between January 13 and February 14 by sending a copy of the CV to the following email address:
with the subject line: SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION.
SOHO SPAIN 2025 Congress is exclusively in-person, not online.
400 Euros
- 21% VAT not included
- The registration fee includes participation in all sessions, certificate of attendance and continuing education, access to the post-meeting webcast as well as coffee breakfast lunch & dinner.
- The allocation of on-site registrations will be adjusted according to capacity requirements.



